8bit Love Story is a short, sweet and beautifully animated adventure in which you complete fast paced minigames to save your beloved from a demon who’s kidnapped her and taken her to the moon.
Taking around five minutes to complete, 8bit Love Story is an action packed little adventure that’s packed full of fun twists, beautiful pixel art animation, in-jokes and great humor. It plays like a collection of Wario Ware-style minigames that take a few seconds to complete but are threaded together by a quirky story that sees you travelling to the moon to save your girlfriend from a demon. Failure in a minigame doesn’t always mean game over but can result in a slightly different cut scene or achievement award.
A great little adventure well worth checking out for some lighthearted arcade action, super cool chip tune audio and fabuous pixel art animation. An age old tale of love, adversity and evil moon demons that’s well worth checking out!
Controls: Mouse – Point & Click
Available On: All Browsers