An Interview is a short interacive narrative based on the true story of Tim Grayburn and the award winning play Fake It ‘Till You Mean It, that takes a frank and powerful look at the real effects of male clinical depression.
An Interview addresses the issue head on, with a first hand account from a sufferer of Male Clinical Depression, taking you on a five minute journey through his life and his battle with mental illness. The dev set out to create an accessable way for people to discuss the stigma associated with clinical depression, and he’s certainly achieved that. It’s a very personal and powerful experience that really does give you some real insight into the effects depression during it’s short playtime.
It’s very easy to dismiss mental ilnesses’ such as depression as they’re not illnesses that manifest themselves physically. But it’s a real problem that affects a growing number of people in the world (stats suggest one in four people will experience a mental health problem each year). There’s no quick fix with mental illness, it’s very easy to just say, ‘deal with it’, but how do you deal with it? Who do you turn to? An Interview doesn’t pretend to hold all the answers, but it’s certainly a step in the right direction, and a great way to build awareness of the issue. Powerful stuff.
Controls: Point & Click
Available On: Windows & Mac
Gameplay Video: Here