Armored Shell: Nightjar is a fabulously frustrating mech piloting game where you attempt to scale a large structure using some very clumsy controls.
Created for the MechJam V, Armored Shell: Nightjar is a mecha platforming game that plays like a blend of Iron Lung and Only Up!. In the game you are presented with a mech interface and a small porthole to view the outside world through.
The game is entirely mouse controlled, with you using the mouse to operate the various levers and buttons inside the mech. You need to use them to help the mech climb a large vertical structure, but as you can expect, mechs aren’t particularly agile, especially when they’re controlled via a mouse.
It’s a wonderfully obtuse control scheme that you’ll have a lot of fun wrestling with before you inevitably rage quit. You’ll need to become a mech piloting savant to conquer this one.
Controls: Mouse – Point & Click
Available On: Windows & Linux
Download Armored Shell: Nightjar Here