Back Home for Christmas is a cozy and heartwarming little narrative driven adventure that tells the story of a cute little penguin who gets lost while looking for his missing toy.
In Back Home for Christmas you follow the adventure of a little penguin who is lost in a snowy wilderness on Christmas Eve. You were searching for your lost toy, but have now managed to get lost yourself so are now focusing on trying to find your way home. It’s a long journey and you have no idea where you’re going, but luckily you come across some helpful strangers along the way.
It takes around 15 minutes to play through Back Home for Christmas and it’s an absolutely delightful experience from start to finish. The snow-covered landscape looks beautiful, the way your cute little penguin waddles through the snow is adorable and it’s a pleasure to meet all the characters. The icing on top of all this is the excellent fully voiced narration that makes you feel like you’re part of a little christmas movie. It’s fifteen minutes of festive joy that’s guaranteed to put a smile on your face and any donations the game receives are going to the No Kid Hungry charity which will help put a smile on other peoples faces too. Highly recommended.
Controls: WASD – Movement, Mouse – Look, LMB – Interact
Available On: Windows
Gameplay Video: Here
Download Back Home for Christmas Here