Dark Dreams RHN – Download Game

Dark Dreams RHN is a beautiful, bizarre, freaky and funny survival horror open world action platforming metroidvania set within a surreal recreation of a “perfect nightmare”.

In Dark Dreams RHN you enter into a computer simulation of a perfect nightmare based on the real dreams of real people. In the game you control an armless humanoid figure who sets out to save a princess who has self-imprisoned herself (because it’s cute apparently), but to do so first you need to grab a sword (gun) and a spear (rocket launcher) and slay some big bosses.

The main world is a large open area, but you also enter large linear sub-levels which have their own visual theme, enemies and boss to vanquish. There’s a lot of precision platforming, where one wrong move often means instant death – which is unfortunate as checkpoints are few and far between. It’s also worth talking to the various oddball NPCs that you meet. They can have some helpful advice, but a lot of the time they have some funny dialogue – such as one guy who’s obsessed with Space Harrier style rail shooters.

Dark Dreams RHN is a very strange game and quite unlike anything you’ll ever come across. Your character moves very slowly, it’s infuriatingly hard and the whole thing feels very unfair, but the world is such a fascinating place that you’re compelled to see what lies beyond the next door. It’s a beautiful nightmare that’s very hard to put down once its got its hooks into you. Highly recommended.

Controls: WASD – Movement, J/K/L – Shoot – Interact

Available On: Windows

Gameplay Video: Here

Download Dark Dreams RHN Here

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