Devil Express is a delightful and heartwarming narrative-driven 2D adventure where a werewolf delivery guy makes a real difference in a tower-block full of isolated monsters.
In Devil Express you take on the role of a delivery guy who works for a new company called Devil Express. As a start-up promotion you’ve been tasked with visiting an apartment block and carrying out deliveries for any of the residents for free. This particular apartment block is full of different kinds of monsters, from cyclops to kaiju, all of which are actually quite friendly. However, the apartment block is cursed and my spell your demise if you stay too long.
The gameplay in Devil Express is fairly simple – you knock on doors, chat to the inhabitants and find out if they need something or if they need something to be delivered. You then have to work out who in the building to talk to and help you complete these deliveries. There’s an eclectic mix of monsters and they all have their own unique personalities. They’re quite isolated from the rest of the world and from each other, but your deliveries can help them feel a little more connected.
Taking around an hour to play through, Devil Express delivers a very touching and heartwarming experience that’s full of charm and character. It’s a delight getting to know the various monsters and you feel like your deliveries make a real difference to their lives. Also, a narrative about living in isolation feels particularly pertinent right now. Highly recommended.
Controls: Arrow Keys – Movement, Spacebar – Interaction,
Available On: Windows & Browser
Gameplay Video: Here
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