Doorstep Diaries – Downloadable Game

Doorstep Diaries is a touching little hand-drawn narrative-driven adventure where you relive cherished memories through a series of short vignettes.

Created for the Brackeys Game Jam, Doorstep Diaries is a charming and wholesome little adventure that plays out like a more chilled-out WarioWare. It takes place across a series of scenes, in which you need to figure out how to interact with to move on. The game is split up into three core memories, each centred around a different object, but you won’t really understand the significance of them until the end.

Taking around five minutes to play through, it’s a wonderful little game with great artwork and a cleverly told story that will hit you in the feels. A magical little walk down memory lane.

Controls: Mouse – Point & Click

Available On: Windows

Download Doorstep Diaries Here

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