Dungeons & Dragons: The Animated Series is a fantastic old-school side-scrolling beat ‘em up based on the classic 80’s Dungeons & Dragons animated TV series.
Created by Zvitor (creator of Marvel Infinity War and Justice League Unlimited) Dungeons & Dragons: The Animated Series is an excellent OpenBOR powered retro side-scrolling beat ‘em up based on the classic D&D animated series. All six of the TV show’s heroes are playable (Hank, Bobby, Sheila, Presto, Diana, Eric), each with their own unique skills and combat styles, and there are even four unlockable characters (Bruenor, Strongheart, Warduke, Venger).
All the characters, enemies and settings from the classic TV series are faithfully recreated, but Dungeons & Dragons: The Animated Series actually goes even further with some innovative new additions. Perhaps most impressive is the fact that you can instantly switch between characters at the touch of a button – so you don’t have to stick with just one character until your credit is used up.
Not only does being able to switch characters add a nice bit of variety, but it also allows you to use different character’s skills for different situations. There’s also a light RPG element to the game, with you able to level up different character’s stats by collecting upgrades.
It’s a fantastic homage to a classic 80’s TV series and a superb beat ‘em up in its own right. The vibrant visuals, big bosses, challenging gameplay and varied settings make it a must play. The character-switching is a particular stand-out that will hopefully make it into more OpenBOR powered beat ‘em ups as it really is a transformative experience. Highly recommended.
Controls: Keyboard & Control Pad (Rebindable)
Available On: Windows, Mac & Android
Download Dungeons & Dragons: The Animated Series Here