Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition is a remastered version of the seminal and surprise-filled adventure about a frog with a taste for fractions.
Originally released in 2012 as a browser game, Frog Fractions has now come to Steam in the form of a Game of the Decade Edition. The game starts with you controlling a frog as it sits on a lily pad and tries to protect its fruit from incoming insects. To say too much about it spoils the fun, but needless to say this game is not what it seems and it takes some pretty far out twists.
The Game of the Decade Edition features (slightly) remastered visuals and upgraded audio. You can also download the soundtrack and purchase a hat as DLC. The most fun with fractions you’ll ever have. Highly recommended.
Controls: Mouse – Point & Click (and Many Other Things)
Available On: Windows (Steam)
Download Frog Fractions: Game of the Decade Edition Here