Frog Wednesday 2 – Download Game

Frog Wednesday 2 is a hilarious narrative-driven rage-quit platforming adventure where you playtest a highly anticipated indie video game sequel that’s been bought by a large corporation.

Created by Iseeicy, Creator of mass and You played Yourself Frog Wednesday 2 is an incredibly tough first person platformer that tells the story of a small indie game that’s been bought over by a huge corporation called Halliburton Gaming. It turns out that the original Frog Wednesday was a huge breakout indie hit, but the dev wanted to cash in (and buy a big mouse mat and a coffee machine) so he sold the rights for the sequel to Halliburton Gaming.

Now you’re tasked with playtesting the sequel – it’s certainly bigger than the original but will it be better? Halliburton Gaming are keen to introduce lots of new gameplay elements from genres that have proven to be popular, such as metroidvania, battle royale and clickers. It makes for a rage-inducingly tough game and all the while the new owner of the Frog Wednesday franchise chats to you about his thoughts on the game, although as he says quite often he’s “not a gamer”.

First person platformers are always a little tricky but Frog Wednesday 2 is an incredibly tough game that reaches Getting Over It With Bennet Foddy levels of frustration. This means that each level takes a loooong time to play through and one small slip-up can send you back to the start, but there is a big silver lining in all this – you get to hear more from the delightfully clueless non-gamer Halliburton Gaming executive (Mark Dividend) that’s overseeing your playtesting session.

Mark isn’t the only voice you’ll hear as you play through, but he’s certainly who you’ll hear the most. In fact he won’t shut up! He constantly chats away as you play, commenting on your gameplay, telling you about the project and about himself. He’s keen to remind you that he’s not a gamer, but he really doesn’t need to as his delightfully ignorant views on gaming are evidence enough – such as metroidvania games being so popular because they are named after two massive franchises “Metroid” and “Vania”.

Unfortunately the (deliberately) pure rage inducing difficulty of the gameplay will mean that not many players will reach the end, but even if you just stay for a short while Frog Wednesday 2 is an absolute delight. The gameplay is fun (in a rage-quit kinda way), but it’s the voicework and the writing that really blows you away. It’s a real joy to get to know this friendly and hilariously clueless Halliburton Gaming exec and all his little foibles. Even if he isn’t a gamer! Highly recommended.

Controls: WASD – Movement, Mouse – Look, Spacebar – Jump, Shift – Run

Available On: Windows

Gameplay Video: Here

Download Frog Wednesday 2 Here

3 thoughts on “Frog Wednesday 2 – Download Game”

  1. Really liked it, it’s nice having someone talking to you when playing…The endings are funny and sad at the same time…

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