Fulfillment is a satirical and thought provoking little game that allows you to live the soul-crushing life of an employee of an Amazon warehouse worker.
In Fulfillment you are a warehouse worker that works for a company which is essentially Amazon in all but name. Each day you go to work, carry out the required tasks, then go home. While at home you can buy groceries, go out or turn in early, and you also have to pay your rent every week.
Things start off fairly easily, but each day you have to start your shift slightly earlier and more incentives and bonuses are introduced to make you the most efficient employee possible. Strict time limits are introduced, along with a points system, a leaderboard and cash bonuses. It’s worth noting that the more bonuses that are introduced, the lower your actual salary becomes, so you HAVE to push for the bonuses to continue making the same wage as before.
As the days roll on, your job becomes harder and more soul-crushing, and making ends meet becomes extremely tough. You’re given daily encouragement from the company, with the promise that “Company Loves You”. Maybe they do, but not as much as their shareholders! It would be funny, but the majority of the practices in this game are remarkably close to the ones Amazon uses in real life. Something to think about next time you’re looking at the checkout option on your Amazon app!
Controls: WASD – Movement, Mouse – interact
Available On: All Browsers