Insomnia Awaken is a short and intense narrative driven psychological horror game where the only monsters are your own internal demons in a place that never changes.
Created by Piotr Rycabel, Insomnia Awaken is a thought provoking first person psychological horror game that explores themes of anxiety, depression and mental health as you find yourself trapped in a room with demons of your own making. The cold grey room seems to symbolize your depression – a place that where nothing ever changes and you’re tormented by feelings of despair, anxiety and paranoia. As you spend some time in the room you learn more about your character’s mindspace and the inner demons that inhabit it.
Taking around 15 minutes to play through, Insomnia Awaken is a very intense game that delves into some dark places. It’s a well crafted experience that delivers a very powerful representation of depression. A psychological horror adventure where the demons can’t be destroyed by guns.
Controls: WASD – Movement, Mouse – Look, LMB – Interaction,
Available On: Windows
Gameplay Video: Here