It Is As If You Were Making Love is a short and strange interactive experience that sees you adjusting your computer’s sliders to bring it to climax.
Taking just a few minutes to complete (so not unlike real sex), It Is As If You Were Making Love is a satirical little game that aims to allow people to fulfil their need to give erotic pleasure without the distress and dissatisfactions of a physical body to navigate. To play the game you simply follow the instructions of the computer, moving the slider between different values at different speeds as it asks you too. Your efforts are rewarded with a progress bar filling up and a digital moan that increases as it nears climax.
It’s a very odd experience, and even though you’re just moving a slider left and right, you do feel a little bit dirty after pleasuring your computer. Still. after all those times you’ve visited Pornhub it’s probably the least you can do to return the favor!
Controls: Mouse – Point, Click & Drag
Available On: All Browsers
Play It Is As If You Were Making Love Here