Kitty Kart 64 is a creepy N64 styled kart racing game where things get sinister and surreal after you take a little detour.
Created for the LSDJAM 2023, Kitty Kart 64 essentially sees you playing a cursed and glitchy version of Mario Kart 64. The game initially looks like a cute kart racer, but if you explore and experiment a little you’ll discover there’s something very wrong with the game’s cutesy looking world. As you travel off the beaten track you’ll discover seven surreal tracks and meet a roster of cute cursed characters.
It’s a fun concept that feels like a blend of Mario Kart 64, a .exe game and LSD /Simulator. It’s a lot of fun exploring the creepy glitchy racetracks and you’re never sure what you’re going to discover there. More cursed than a blue shell on the final stretch!
Controls: Keyboard or Controller
Available On: Windows & Linux