Life Is Short is a powerful little interactive narrative that plays out key moments in a persons life – from birth to death.
You interact with the came by using various mouse gestures on hot points on the screen. These interactions can be anything from learning to ride a bike to starting up a new hobby during your retirement. Taking only a few minutes to complete, the audio and visual design in Life is Short are superb, drawing you in and creating a surprisingly emotional experience – especially during the games final moments.
It really is worth taking a few minutes to play through Life is Short, it’s a beautiful and well crafted experience that will give you a greater appreciation for life, because it really is short, and much like the game, you only get one shot at it.
Controls: Mouse – Point & Click
Available On: All Browsers
Note: Life is Short is part of a larger collective of interactive audio/visual experiences that form an digital haiku. You can check them out by clicking the circle in the bottom left hand corner of the game. They’re all very cool, but highlights include the mesmerising un-zip-em-up Z… and the rather morbid Facing the Nameless.
Play Life Is Short Here (may take a little time to load so please be patient!)