MURDERCIDE 2017 – Download Game


MURDERCIDE 2017 is a fabulously funny cyberpunk point and click adventure that plays like a blend of Sam and Max and Bladerunner as you play a wise-cracking post-milenial P.I. who’s called out on a particularly bloody case of “murder gone deadly”.

Taking around half an hour to complete, MURDERCIDE 2017 is a beautifully animated and very witty little adventure packed full of silly puns, hilarious gags and deliberately cringeworthy post-millennial humor (such as the protagonist continually saying ‘lol’). Your P.I, Jonathan Murphy is a hard person to like, but he’s a very funny person to be around thanks to his terrible jokes, excellent voice acting and flagrant disregard for defenseless little robots.

MURDERCIDE 2017 feels very much like a old school Sam and Max-era Lucasarts adventure, full of quirky characters, witty dialogue and a healthy dose of mayhem. It makes you smile from start to finish, but particular highlights are the Bladerunner-style voice over which is clearly not the protagonists voice and the running gags about Detective Juice’s name. Hopefully P.I. John Murphy has more adventures in the future as it really is a blast to hang about with him. Highly recommended.

Controls: Mouse – Point & Click

Available On: Windows, Mac & Linux

Gameplay Video: Here

Download MURDERCIDE 2017 Here

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