Mushroom Towers – Download Game

Mushroom Towers is a simple and easily accessible little tower defense game with a focus on mazing as you place your towers to create intricate routes for insects to travel down as they attempt to eat your pumpkin.

In Mushroom Towers you have a very limited selection of mushroom towers which you can use to fend off the waves of attacking bugs that are trying to eat your pumpkin. The towers aren’t particularly strong and they’re not upgradeable, so to make the most out of them you need to make your placement of them as efficient as possible – creating long mazes for the attacking bugs to walk through so that your towers have a chance to dispatch them in time.

It’s a very streamlined, but fun take on the Tower Defense genre, with stylish pixel art visuals and strategic mazing-focused gameplay. A fun(ghi) little tower defense game well worth checking out.

Controls: Mouse – Point & Click

Available On: Windows, Mac & Linux

Download Mushroom Towers Here

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