No Response – Download Game

No Response weaves a beautiful little tale of love, life, memories and loss as you walk back home after a car crash.

In No Response you awaken in your car following a crash with a fallen tree. Your car is a write-off and your phone screen is cracked so you can’t phone for help, but you can still see the text messages you receive (even if you can’t reply to them). Your home is a short walk away through the woodland, so you set off at a sedate pace, reading texts from your loved ones and admiring the scenery and reminiscing along the way.

Taking around 15 minutes to play through, No Response is a beautiful, relaxing, oddly uplifting and heartfelt experience. Although you can pretty much guess the ending right from the start, that doesn’t make it any less impactful. Highly recommended.

Controls: Mouse & Keyboard or Control Pad

Available On: Windows

Download No Response Here

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