Paranoiac is a dark psychological and supernatural Japanese horror adventure that explores themes of mental illness and dealing with traumatic events as a young woman moves into her deceased aunt’s house.
In Paranoiac you take on the role of Miki, a young woman whose aunt has recently died. At the bequest of her mother, Miki has moved into her aunt’s old house, where she hopes to deal with her own psychological issues and write her next book. However, the house is filled with locked doors that harbour dark secrets, Miki keeps having horrifying visions and a strange entity stalks the halls at night-time.
It takes around 1-2 hours to play through Paranoiac and it’s a riveting experience from start to finish. The simple retro top-down visuals work well and the writing is excellent. The way the game ties together supernatural horrors and psychological illness is very well done and even by the end you’re left wondering if the visions were real or if they were all in your head. Highly recommended.
Controls: Arrow Keys – Movement, Z – Interact, Esc – Menu/Inventory
Available On: Windows
Gameplay Video: Here