Rattenkönig is a horrifying and heartbreaking physics-based puzzle platforming adventure about a rat who’s attached to its dead brother by a tangled tail.
In Rattenkönig you are a rat whose tail has been tangled up with their brother’s tail since you were young (like a 2 rat Rat King/Rattenkönig). Unfortunately now your brother has died and he’s pretty much dead weight. He makes movement difficult (especially when jumping gaps) but he does also have his uses. In fact you’ll need him to help you navigate your perilous route.
Taking around 15 minutes to play through, Rattenkönig is a fairly simple looking game, but the level design is very creative and allows you to make use of your brother in some inventive ways. What’s more, the storytelling is very well done and really packs a punch. Highly recommended.
Controls: A/D – Movement, Spacebar – Jump,
Available On: Windows
Gameplay Video: Here