Rock Bottom – Download Game

Rock Bottom is a challenging precision platforming adventure that deals with loss, depression and anxiety as you attempt to climb out a hole after hitting rock bottom.

In Rock Bottom you take control of a character who has literally hit rock bottom and has to travel through various stages of grief (denial, depression, bargaining and anger) as he attempts to get his life back on track. You’re never told what caused him to hit rock bottom, but each level contains letters that you can collect which tell you how he’s feeling as he goes through the various emotional states on his way to recovery.

The platforming gameplay in Rock Bottom starts off fairly easily, but soon turns into a much more challenging hardcore precision platforming experience. The character movement can feel a little floaty, but it does come in handy in certain situations and the level design is excellent.

Considering Rock Bottom is a game that deals with depression and loss, the actual gameplay is great fun – as long as you’re up for a real challenge. As in real life, there’s no easy escape – it’ll take hard work, determination and perseverance to climb out of that hole. Good luck!

Controls: Control Pad Only

Available On: Windows

Gameplay Video: Here

Download Rock Bottom Here

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