Songs of the Lost – Download Game

Songs of the Lost takes out on a beautiful and bizarre psychedelic audiovisual odyssey through an absurd digital landscape.

In Songs of the Lost you leave your physical body behind and enter a digital world called Apocabliss. To become a citizen of this new world you’ll have to travel to the passport office to obtain a passport and you’ll also have to build and activate your avatar – all of which takes you on a weird and wonderful journey through a beautiful hand animated musical cyberscape.

Each new area of the Apocobliss you enter is full of surreal sights and quirky hand drawn characters to chat to, all accompanied by a fantastic electronic soundtrack. If there’s one issue you may have with Songs of the Lost then it’s that the visuals are so captivating that you often don’t pay attention to what the various characters are saying to you throughout (but that just gives you an excuse to play through it again).

It takes around 20 minutes to play through Songs of the Lost and it’s one hell of a trip from start to finish. It’s full of fun surprises, interesting characters and spectacular sights. A fascinating audiovisual masterpiece set in a surreal cyberspace. Highly recommended.

Controls: WASD – Movement, Mouse – Look

Available On: Windows & Mac

Gameplay Video: Here

Download Songs of the Lost Here

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