Star Contract – Downloadable Game

Star Contract is a fast paced Sci-Fi horror boss rush FPS where a space sheriff kills monsters to complete contracts.

Created for the Boss Rush Jam 2025, in Star Contract you are a gun-toting sheriff who sets out to complete contracts that are emailed on an archaic 90s computer. Each contract is a different boss, such as a giant snake or an axe-wielding psycho and you need to take them down.

Your gun is pretty weak, but if you press RMB at the correct time you can add a damage multiplier, with a maximum of five. If you can’t get the hang of the damage multiplier then you’re pretty screwed, but once you get to grips with it then you can do some real damage. Grab a gun and start taking those bosses down!

Controls: Mouse & Keyboard

Available On: Windows & Browser

Download Star Contract Here

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