Stevens’ Short_Tail and Stevens’ Next_Thing are two short visual novel stories that are the perfect way to enjoy Christmas and bring in the New Year.
Created for the Winter VN Jam 2021, Stevens’ Short_Tail and Stevens’ Next_Thing tell the tale of a cat who likes to sit atop a fence and wait for certain special things that seem to occur at this time of year. He has no idea what the things are called or why they are significant, but they make him happy and that’s the main thing.
During each of Stevens’ short tales he’s joined by his best friend, Alina. The two chat about their humorously feline skewed take on the world and the things they have to endure as cats. All while optimistically waiting for that special thing to happen.
Stevens’ short tales are very much linear visual novels, with no dialogue choices or gameplay (you just click to progress the story), but nonetheless they’re delightful little experiences. The writing is both heartwarming and funny and their faces are wonderfully expressive (the optimism and anticipation in Steven’s face is particularly adorable). Highly recommended.
Controls: Mouse – Point & Click
Available On: Windows, Mac, Linux & Browser
Gameplay Video: Here
Download or Play Stevens’ Short_Tail Here
Download or Play Stevens’ Next_Thing