The Bad Lebowski is a short, silly and hilarious ‘badaption’ of the Coen Brothers’ classic movie, The Big Lebowski.
Make no bones about it, The Bad Lebowski is a bad game, and deliberately so – it was created within 5 hours, the combat is terrible, the graphics are shoddy and the plot is a bizarre mix of remembered (or misremembered) fragments of the movie. But this inherent badness is what makes The Bad Lebowski such a joy to play. Throughout it’s short running time you’ll battle Nihilists, Valkyries and a small army of Jesus’s, throwing punches and fireballs on your quest to get your rug back.
Created by game developer Václav Pata, and lasting only a few minutes, the whole game feels like an 8-bit version of one of The Dude’s acid-fuelled dream sequences. Raise your white Russian glasses and salute this remarkable, silly, terrible and awesome take on The Dude’s adventures. The Dude would certainly abide this bizarre retro adventure.
Controls: Arrow Keys – Movement, A – Punch, D – Activate Fireball, S – Throw Fireball
Available On: Windows Only
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Bad Lebowski requires RPG Maker Ace RTP installed before play. You can download it for free here (scroll down to bottom of the page)
Download The Bad Lebowski Here