The Fairview Incident – Downloadable Game

The Fairview Incident is a super low rez survival horror game that manages to cram a monster-filled open world adventure into just 64×64 pixels.

Created for the Low Rez Jam, The Fairview Incident is a low rez survival horror adventure where your town has been invaded by monsters from another dimension. It plays much like a traditional survival horror game – you’ve got weapons, a large open world to explore, monsters and secrets. There’s even a functioning Space Invaders game to play in there if you fancy a break!

The combat is a little simplistic and it would be good if objectives were highlighted, but other than that it’s a fantastic little game that manages to do a hell of a lot with just 64×64 pixels. A great little slice of low-rezident evil!

Controls: Arrow Keys – Movement, X – Examine, C – Attack, I – Inventory

Available On: Windows & Browser

Download or Play The Fairview Incident Here

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