The Interlude – Download Game

The Interlude is a quirky little “anti-thriller” game where you sit in your car awaiting a meeting with a mysterious stranger, with nothing but the radio and an old Nokia 3210 styled phone to keep you amused.

In The Interlude you find yourself sat in your car in a parking lot nervously awaiting a meeting with a shady character who texted you earlier in the day. As the player, you have no idea what the meeting is about and who it is with, but it looks like you may have to wait a while until they turn up.

You can look around your car’s interior and interact with your mirrors, lights and steering wheel, but the best ways to pass the time are listening to the radio and fiddling around with your retro Nokia 3210 styled “Lokia” phone. It’s not the mist hi-tech piece of kit, but your trusty Lokia has a nice amount of features to keep you busy – you can mess around with changing backgrounds and ringtones, search through your old text messages, surf the WAP internet and even play snake!

The Interlude describes itself as an “anti-thriller” so don’t expect too much drama or a particularly thrilling ending but it is quite a tense experience as you sit in your dimly lit car awaiting the mysterious stranger. The sights and sounds of the street and the late night radio station add a nice amount of atmosphere and messing around with your retro Lokia phone adds a wonderful touch of nostalgia. Highly recommended.

Tip: There’s a hint that you may unlock something if you beat a score of 35 on Snake.

Controls: Mouse – Point & Click

Available On: Windows, Mac, Linux & Browser

Gameplay Video: Here

Download The Interlude Here

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