Turnip is a surreal little low rez puzzle platforming adventure that sees you searching a strange desert landscape for turnips and planting them to grow furniture.
In Turnip you control a cute little robot who explores a strange turnip realm in search of turnips. There are 15 turnips to find in total, which are hidden around the low rez, low poly game world, often requiring you to use some platforming skills to reach them. Once you locate a turnip you can then plant it in a patch of soil and see what grows from it – which oddly enough isn’t more turnips but is furniture!
It’s a strange little game with a great visual style, an interesting game world and a wonderfully surreal premise. A quirky turnip cultivating platformer that will grow on you.
Controls: WASD – Movement, Mouse – Look, Shift – Run, Spacebar – Jump, LMB – Pick Up Object
Available On: Windows