Untitled is a dark, surreal and creepy fist person horror/exploration game that packs a real punch with its divisive subject matter.
The subject matter is deliberately left ambiguous until the end, but it’s a game that focuses on the anguish and fears of those that have had to make a very hard choice. You explore rooms and strange spaces, littered with imagery, writing and audio that encapsulate life and death. There’s a distinctly sinister atmosphere throughout it’s 10 minute playtime and even a couple scares courtesy of a creepy death-like figure.
It’s a well crafted fifteen minute dread-filled adventure that doesn’t pull any punches with it’s subject matter. Dark and powerful stuff.
Controls: WASD – Movement, Shift – Run, Mouse – Look, LMB – Interact, F – Flashlight
Available On: Windows, Mac & Linux
Gameplay Video: Here