X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: Attack on the Deathstar is an incredible PICO-8 Star Wars game which allows you to jump in an X-Wing, dogfight with TIE Fighters and take down the Deathstar!
The PICO-8 virtual console really isn’t designed to handle anything more complex than an 8-bit NES game, so getting a fully functional X-Wing space combat game running in it is no mean feat. That said, developer Frederic Souchu has already managed to get a fully functional flight simulator and a Virtua Racing demake to run in PICO-8, so he’s used to breaking the rules of what it can and can’t do.
In X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: Attack on the Deathstar you pilot an X-Wing across four missions as it assaults the Death Star. This starts with you dogfighting with TIE Fighters in space then moving in for some good old fashioned trench run action (which is pretty tough). Some checkpoints would be nice (as you go right back to the beginning when you die) but the visuals are fantastic, your X-Wing is satisfyingly agile and the combat is a lot of fun. The force is very strong with this one!
Controls: WASD – Movement, Mouse – Look, E – Interaction,
Available On: Browser
Play X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter: Attack on the Deathstar Here