Catformer – Browser Game

Catformer Game

Catformer is a fabulously frustrating little platforming adventure that offers a very accurate representation of what a cat should be like in a video game – as every now and again the cat will just do whatever it wants!

In Catformer you only really have control of your cat for around 75% of the time, the rest of the time at random moments the cat will just do whatever it wants. This can involve the cat just deciding to take a nap, standing still, walking left or right or (most worryingly) jumping in random directions. The only time the cat wont move randomly is when you make it nap by pressing the down button, which comes in handy if you’re in a particularly precarious position.

Your goal is to climb back up to your home after the floor fell through so that you can eat your food. It’s not very far you’ve got to climb but as you can imagine, the random movements of the cat can make the precision platforming that’s required very tricky indeed!

It’s a short, fun and rather nerve wracking game that perfectly recreates the “screw you I’ll do what I wanna do” mindset of a cat. That jump animation is adorable too!

Controls: Arrow Keys – Movement, Spacebar – Jump

Available On: All Browsers

Play Catformer Here

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